Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal, Its Powers

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The Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal (CCPT) is a specialized court. 

It adjudicates Federal Competition and Consumer Protection commission (FCCPC) decisions on market monopoly, unfair practices, antitrust.

It also reviews FCCPC decisions on competition issues, Manufacturing, policies on protection of consumer interest and many more. 

Created by the CCPT Act 2019,  it reviews FCCPC decisions to ensure compliance and protect consumers.

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  • The CCPT holds jurisdiction over appeals and reviews of the commission’s decisions under the Act.
  •  It rules on matters related to competition and consumer protection. 
  • To access CCPT, individuals or companies must first complain to the FCCPC, then appeal if unsatisfied.
  • This means that, it is a condition precedent for a complainant to first approach the FCCPC before he can have a valid claim before the CCPT.

Tribunal composition:The Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal comprises a chairman and six members. 

  • The chairman, a legal expert knowledgeable in the field of competition and Consumer Protection or commercial and industrial law.
  • The six members must have 10+ years of experience in relevant fields.
  • Which is either,  Competition and Consumer Protection law, economics, business administration and management, commerce and industry or public affairs.
  • The chairman and the six members  are appointed by the President upon confirmation by the senate  for a 5-year term. 
  • The chairman is responsible for the management and assignment of cases brought before the CCPT. 
  • For a panel to sit on a case, it is required to have or sit with at least 3 members on the panel and at least a legal practitioner to chair the panel.

Powers of the CCPT

The tribunal, empowered by the Act, establishes procedural rules and imposes penalties for violations or non-compliance. 

  • It may order asset sales when necessary. Members can resign with three months’ notice or be removed for misconduct, incapacity, or lack of qualifications.
  • Ethical rules for judges also apply to CCPT members. 
  • Cases brought to FCCPC and subsequently appealed to CCPT include issues like excessive billing, price manipulation, online scams, counterfeit products, and regulatory fees.
  • Other examples are ; exorbitant billings by Electricity distribution companies, arbitrary increase or decrease in price of products in order to kill competition,.