Court dissolves marriage over frequent assault

Stack of three gray textbooks with the words "divorce," "family" and "law" written in gold print. The textbooks are behind a wooden gavel that is poised above two golden rings.

Center-Igboro Area court in Ilorin dissolves a marriage following the plea of the wife, Kafayat Jimon.

The marriage was dissolved following a case of divorce files against her husband, Yusuf Aliu, whom she accused of battery and consistent verbal and physical assault.

Kafayat prayed to the court to dissolves the marriage as she and her husband no longer have a love for each other.


In her application, the plaintiff said she was legally married through the Islamic rite to the defendant in 2019 and gave birth to a child in the marriage.

She subsequently approached the court, praying for divorce, as she pressed charges that her marriage was filled with lust but no true love.

According to her, he also consistently abused her physically upon slight arguments.

She pleaded with the court to dissolve the marriage as there is no more interest on both part neither is there love between them.

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Court decision

The presiding judge, Justice AbdulQadir Ibrahim while delivering judgment noted that Aliu has also agreed to the petition by his wife.

He said the husband stated that he had consented to it through “a set free note to the court, agreeing to divorce the petitioner”.

The judge subsequently dissolved the marriage.

He further instructed that they be put under inspection for three months of the Iddah before the court could determine the re-marry.

While they can only come back together only when they go through the proper marriage rite.

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