Magistrate Braima-Jah rules over land matter in Makeni

A flyer showing people.

Magistrate Mustapha Briama-Jah has passed a ruling on a land case between sheikh Mustapha Thullah and Sheikh Mustapha Fofanah situated at makambo village in the Bombali Judicial district .

The magistrate gave the ruling on Monday, at Mena hills, Bombali District in Makeni Town, Sierra Leone.

Magistrate Briama-Jah is the resident Magistrate of Bombali District.


According to the court records, sheikh Mustapha Thullah a member of the Quranic Teachers bought some plots of Land from the Turay families at Makabo village ,

He made part payment after which, they met an Arab man to help them complete the payment for the said land.

The Arab man asked them to change the land document from Quranic teachers to charity organization in a bid to source funding , which then did.

The Arab Man-made the payment and as well built mosque and schools on the land to be used by the community people.

The Quranic Teachers pleaded with the appellant sheikh Mustapha Fofanah to be serving as a teacher and care-taker on the said land.

Years later, after the death of the chairman, sheikh Mustapha Fofanah claimed ownership of the land.

Aggrieved by the situation, the Quranic Teacher sued him to the local court number 2 at Makama.

Upon the witness of the Arab man in the court who testified that the land is the bonified property of sheikh Mustapha Thullah and the Quranic Teachers and not sheikh Mustapha Fofanah.

Consequently, The court delivered judgment against sheikh Mustapha Fofanah on 27th Aguust 2021.

On the 8th September 2021, the Appellant Sheikh Mustapha Fofanah filed an appeal at the Makeni Magistrate court.

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Court’s decision

Delivering his judgment, the Magistrate Mustapha Braima Jah issued the following orders.

1.the Notice of the appeal date is hereby dismissed.

2.That his court upheld the judgment of the Local court number 2.

3.The respondent herein (the Quranic Teachers ) is the bonafide owner of the said land.

4.The court awarded the cost of Nle 10.000 (Ten Thousand leone ) to be paid by the appellant to the respondent effective immediately.

Author: Journalist Edna Amie Ngegba