International men’s day:WIMSAL Sierra Leone celebrates men

Women in the Media North (WIMSAL) Sierra Leone have chosen to celebrate International Men’s Day by recognizing and appreciating men’s contributions to society.

This inclusive approach reflects a commitment to gender equality and highlights the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the diverse roles individuals play in creating a balanced and harmonious community.

The International Men’s Day, celebrated annually holds significance in recognizing and addressing issues that affect men globally.

The day aims to promote positive masculinity, highlight men’s contributions to society, and raise awareness about men’s health, well-being, and gender equality.

The Initiative to celebrate men by WIMSAL

Today, on International Men’s Day November 19th 2023, the world celebrates the remarkable contributions of men worldwide.

WIMSAL took a groundbreaking step to recognize and award 20 outstanding men from diverse backgrounds across our nation.(Makeni, PortLoko, Freetown and Lunsar ).

These remarkable individuals, from journalists to politicians, civil society workers to educators, have been instrumental in supporting and championing women’s rights and empowerment.

Madam Edna Amie Ngegba, the regional chairperson of WIMSAL, highlighted the crucial yet often overlooked efforts of men in advancing gender equality.

She emphasized the need to celebrate and honor these men for their pivotal roles behind the scenes, striving to empower and uplift women in our society. This recognition aims not just to honor their achievements but to inspire them to continue championing the cause of women’s empowerment and to encourage more men to actively participate.

The 20 remarkable men includes; Stanley Bangura Jr, Alie Amara Conteh, Patrick Conteh, Billy Momodu Kamara Esq, Dr. Mohammed M.B Sisay, Abu Bakarr Kamar, Ahmed Sahid Nasralla, Sahr James Bangah, Thomas Thompay Conteh, Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards, PC Salifu Manna Kalawa III, Prof. Alhaji Brima Gogra, Sheka Yollah Bangura, Alhassan K. Kamara, Osman Justin Conteh, Momoh Lawrence Turay, Abdul Osman Turay, Dr. Alpha Kabba and `Mohamed Speaking .

They expressed their gratitude for the commendable initiative by WIMSAL.

Most of these recipients confessed that this is their first time of receiving an award or even being recognized.

They pledged to continue their support and commitment to empowering women, acknowledging the pivotal role men play in fostering gender equality and social progress.

Addressing the recipients in PortLoko Madam Yakoya Kamara the region Vice Chairperson emphasized the importance of men in today’s society and encouraged women to respect them always.

Yakoya said Today, let’s celebrate these unsung heroes whose tireless efforts have made a significant impact on the journey towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

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Author: Edna Amie

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